The Lifestyle Architect

You want to manifest the life of your dreams? Here are my 10 laws to live by.

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Pre-Order My Book Now!

Get the book 25+ years in the making!  I started reading "self-help" books when I was 15, the first of which was "Believe and Achieve" by W. Clement Stone.  

I was hooked.

Since then I've read hundreds of the world's best books on all things personal development, habit-hacking, bio-hacking, personal achievement, mindset, mental toughness, manifestation, higher consciousness and the like.

Inside "The Lifestyle Architect" you will find a blueprint for getting exactly what you want out of your life, putting you in total control.  I've been a full-time self-employed entrepreneur for 22+ years now and I wouldn't be where I am today without the ideas and thoughts contained within.  

I truly believe if you read and apply my "Ten Commandments of the Lifestyle Architect," it will change every aspect of your life - from business and money, to health and energy, to relationships and happiness - for good.  Enjoy!

Hello and Welcome to My World 

Hi, Matt Stefanik here - thank you for visiting my super dope business card page!  

I like to build stuff, like this page you're on.  Every word, all the amazing graphics, the design, the buttons, integrations...all the things.  

But building things can't just look nice (across all devices of course) they also have to work really well....

Which is why I also LOVE masterminding with other entrepreneur's businesses.  It's WAAAY easier than working on my own business haha.

I've made millions online since 2011 selling info products, physical products, software, coaching and consulting.  

As a consultant I did the planning and conceptualization - from mapping out an entire business, perfecting the messaging and unique selling proposition, to maximizing sales funnels and offer structure...

As a digital architect, I built awesome sales and lead gen funnels, set up the back-end email sequencing and planning, wrote sales copy, email copy, created all branding and graphics, website design, style, and function...

And I also did the following: webinar presentation structure, webinar copy, payment integration and work flow, membership sites, course creation, everything WordPress, video sales letters and scripts, video editing, Facebook ads (retargeting, ad copy, structure, and creatives, etc.), and more.

Now, I'm just a startup founder on his way to billionaire status.  Learn More.

In the winter of 2001, I dropped out of college and by July 2002 I was a full-time real estate investor.  I have been a self-employed entrepreneur ever since.  

This is not to say it's been easy.

No, far from it.

In 2007 as the real estate market was crashing, we lost 3 houses to foreclosure, had our cars repossessed and sold everything of value we could just so we could move and start all over again. 

It sucked, but I'm no victim.

It was then that I adopted the, "Not even this will stop me," attitude.

This hasn't changed.

I'm a big believer in taking total responsibility for ones own life. The alternative is victimhood.  One is empowering, the latter powerless.  

The path of higher consciousness is the greatest journey and the only road to your highest and best self.

The choice is all yours.

It's never been easier to achieve everything and anything you want in life.  There are far fewer gatekeepers than once were so nothing is stopping you but you.   

Get clear on your vision, imagine the outcome, make a plan, take action and get to work. 

The world needs what you have to offer.

One day when I was meditating, I was having thoughts of self-doubt and unworthiness, so I asked God, "what will You have me do?"  And then I heard a voice say...


" The most empowering thing you'll ever do in your life is wake up and realize you have everything you need to become everything you can."  

- Matt Stefanik

Follow Me On Social...

While you're here, go ahead and take 30 more seconds to subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

I'm not sure yet which platform will replace Facebook in the near future so I've created accounts on several possibilities.  

Truth: @MattStefanik   |   Parler: @MattStefanik   |   Gab: @MattStefanik

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The 10 Commandments of The Lifestyle Architect

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